Smiling woman wearing glasses checking timesheet notification using her phone

Modern Notification System

Manage timesheet calendars, notifications, alerts, and reminders anytime, anywhere.

Start free trial. Cancel anytime.

  • SMS notification
  • Email notification
  • Calendar notification
  • System alerts
  • Customizable notifications
Top Features

Flexible notification settings for you and your business.

Goals and targets met with the help of automated timesheet

Highly automated

Team members can get auto-reminders to remind them to submit their timesheets on time.

Configurable stakeholders and administrators timesheet settings

Configurable settings

Our notification settings is flexible and can be configured according to your business needs.

Fast and timely time tracking

Fast and timely

Get reminders during time entry and receive timely feedback during the approval process.

Access timesheet notifications anytime and anywhere with any internet capable device

Accessible anytime, anywhere

Simple and easy to use. You can access your notifications anytime, anywhere.

Flexible timesheet notifications based on settings

Flexible and modern

Control the type of notifications you want to receive as well as where and how to receive them.

Timesheet notification logs

Easy-to-read notification history logs

Easily view the different types of notifications you’ve received at a glance.

Automate timesheet alerts and remind employees to track their hours and productivity

Boost your team’s productivity, performance, and success by implementing an automated timesheet notification system. Automating timesheet alerts allow you to remind employees to track their hours and productivity and submit their timesheets on time.


OfficeSeries has a clean and smart dashboard that makes it easy to use the different features and functions.

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You’re only a few clicks away from customizing your timesheet notification settings. It’s simple and easy to use.

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Access on the go

Get timesheet alerts whenever, wherever you are, no matter what device you’re using – phone, tablet, laptop, or pc.

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Why OfficeSeries

Benefits of implementing a modernized notification system.

OfficeSeries is an all-in-one solution where you can get different types of notifications – all configured according to your business needs.

Dots for design purpose only
What's Included

Different types of notifications a team member can get

Timeclock reminders for missed time entries

Timesheet reminders

Employees get timesheet reminders to avoid missing time entries and submit their timesheets on time.

Timesheet approval notifications

Timesheet review and approval notifications

Admins get notified when a member of their team submits a timesheet that’s ready for review and approval.

Realtime notifications for timesheet approval status

Timesheet approval status alerts

Employees get notified when their submitted timesheets are approved or rejected by the manager.

Comments and approval of timesheet notifications can be configured

Approval comment alerts

Employees get alerts when an approver leaves comments on their timecard during the approval process.

Timesheet notification settings

Project alerts or reminders

Get alerts for a project approaching deadline as well as when you get assigned to a new project or task.

Team or group assignment notification

Team or group assignment alerts

Employees get notified when they get assigned to a new team or group.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, using timesheet reminders help ensure that employees submit their timesheets on time. You can set a specific time and day each week for sending out timesheet reminders to your employees.
Yes, timesheet reminders are autogenerated and are sent to employees to remind them of upcoming timesheet deadlines, reducing the likelihood of late timesheet submissions.
Employees, admins, and the workforce in general can receive timesheet notifications through their work email. It’s accessible through any available devices – mobile, tablet, laptop, or desktop computer.
The timesheet notifications you’ll receive will depend on what triggers it. You can receive timesheet alerts during time entry to remind you of its deadline (schedule set by your organization), when your timesheet is approved or rejected, when an approver leaves a comments on your timecard, or when you get assigned to a new project or task.
Timesheet alerts and notifications are usually enabled by default, but you can configure the settings according to your business needs.
Yes, you can customize and configure your timesheet notification settings according to how it best fits your business or organization.

Ready to get started?

View timesheet plans and pricing with OfficeSeries.